Thursday, August 14, 2008

Breaking Dawn Release Party

I have been neglecting my house, MySpace blog and some people for a special event that happened on Friday, August 1st . As most of you know, I love the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer and the fourth and final book, Breaking Dawn, was released on August 2nd. I was a volunteer for the release party at the West Jordan Barnes & Noble bookstore. I was the wondering photographer. I loved going around and taking pictures of all of the people there have a good time playing the activities and visiting. The party was put together by my friend Pam. There were several activities including pictures with Edward and Bella. The party was wedding themed and it started at 8:30pm and the books went on sale at 12:01am. I, along with several of my friends, dressed up as vampires. I was a “vegetarian” vampire with the topaz eyes. I went as the character named Carmen from the books. Eric even helped that night and he ended up being Charlie. He helped at the Pin the Tail on Jacob activity. He said he had so much fun see everyone be competitive at shooting Jacob in the butt. Get this, we even had a silver Volvo! The each layer of the cake represented each of the four books. Edward played the piano while Bella tossed her bouquet. He even played Esme's favorite song and Bella's lullaby. There was even a member of the Volturi Gaurd roaming around. Fox 13 News was there the whole night doing little segments along with 101.9 The End radio station who was giving out a free book every 15 minutes! I had such a great time and it was definitely worth all of the work.


spice2116 said...

wow!!! you look all hottie!! sounds like tons of fun

Angie said...

That was so much fun! You know, I have to do a whole Twilight themed scrapbook now thanks to all those fun pictures!